When most people think about ‘elderspeak” they think about talking slowly and clearly to someone much older, rather like talking to a young child. I am turning this in its head.
ElderSpeak recognises the life experience, lessons learned, and knowledge that older people can share within their communities.We are a voice to be heard, adding richness and stability, We stand with one hand facing forward to join those who have gone before us and one hand extended back to those who come after us. Our lives have depth because we have known both joy and sorrow. We do take away your right to follow your own life-paths, but we can act as a guiding light, gently reminding you of values that bring out the best in humanity.

This mandala was created for me by Di Womersley many years ago. It symbolises where I work most happily, which is always with a circle of equals sharing their wisdom and strength.
If you would like to receive our email or group WhatsApp, please contact me info@carolines.co.za. Subject: Join ElderSpeak Group.
Conscious Ageing workshops will recommence after Covid restrictions are lifted